So True...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Thing Three Cont'd

Okay so I feel that I might have been a bit harsh in my last post and did not really cover any of the required topics.
Things I do like about RSS: I find it convenient to able access sites I am interested in, and being able to access my co-workers blogs and receive updates is very cool. It is an easy way of seeing how far along everyone is. I couldn't really see myself using this on my own for leisure purposes but it would be helpful if I were working on an ongoing project for school such as research paper. I could have sites relevant to the subject all displayed or save certain articles.
I found it easiest to find feeds by just browsing through the most used and choosing ones that pertained to me. I did think it was somewhat difficult to figure out how to add specific URLs because the directions didn't quite make sense at first. Overall it was pretty user-friendly and useful if used in the right context.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Apparently you were having a bad day. Glad you took another look. Which reader did you use? I'm kind of keeping track for another possibility for a workshop opportunity some have asked for more on.